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[宗教史哲] The Buddha Party: How the People’s Republic of China Works to Define and Control Tibetan Buddhism [佛陀黨:中華人民共和國如何定義和控制藏傳佛教] ( 2017 )
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[宗教史哲] Early Christian Latin Poets [早期的基督教拉丁詩人] ( 2000 )
[宗教史哲] Demonic Possession and Exorcism: in early modern France [惡魔的財產和驅魔:在現代法國早期] ( 2005 )
[宗教史哲] Chan Buddhism in Ritual Context [儀式背景下的禪宗] ( 2010 )
[宗教史哲] Identity, Ritual and State in Tibetan Buddhism: The Foundations of Authority in Gelukpa Monasticism [藏族佛教中的身份,儀式和狀態:Gelukpa修道院的權威基礎] ( 2003 )
[宗教史哲] The Fox’s Craft in Japanese Religion and Folklore: Shapeshifters, Transformations, and Duplicities [狐狸在日本宗教和民間傳說中的工藝:變形者,轉換和重複] ( 2004 )

書名:The Imperial Standard of Messiah Triumphant; Coming now in the Power, and Kingdom of his Father, to Reign With his Saints on Earth. By R. Roach, B.D (翻印書) [彌賽亞凱旋的帝國旗幟; 現在帶著他父親的力量和王國來到地球上,與他的聖徒一起統治]
作者:Roach, Richard
出版社:Gale Ecco, Print Editions
English / 精裝
[ 宗教史哲 ] 宗教
會員價:NT1202     省下:NT63
約要 3 ~ 7 個工作天出貨

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