[宗教史哲] Borders and the Politics of Space in Late Medieval Italy: Milan, Venice, and Their Territories [中世紀晚期義大利的邊界與空間政治:米蘭、威尼斯及其領土] ( 2023 )
[醫藥護理衛生] Peripheral Nerve Stimulation: A Comprehensive Guide [週邊神經刺激:綜合指南] ( 2023 )
[教育] Philosophy for Children Across the Primary Curriculum: Inspirational Themed Planning [貫穿小學課程的兒童哲學:勵志主題規劃] ( 2023 )
[藝術] A Practical Guide to Teaching Music in the Secondary School, 2/e [中學音樂教學實用指南,第2版] ( 2023 )
[社會] School Social Work: A Skills-Based Competency Approach (with CD) [學校社會工作:基於技能的能力方法] ( 2023 )
[藝術] The Music of Ruth Crawford Seeger [露絲·克勞福德·西格的音樂] ( 2003 )
[生物資源] Eggs and Larvae of North Sea Fishes [北海魚類的卵和幼蟲] ( 2005 )
[建築與設計] Histoire de la virilite, tome 2: Le triomphe de la virilite. Le XIXe siecle (法文) [男子氣概的歷史,第二卷:男子氣概的勝利。19世紀] ( 2011 )
[醫藥護理衛生] OSCE Cases with Mark Schemes: A Revision Aid for Medical Finals [含評分準則的OSCE臨床技能測驗案例:醫學期末考的複習輔助工具] ( 2012 )
[宗教史哲] History of the People of Trinidad and Tobago (翻印書) [千里達及托巴哥人民史] ( 2015 )
Queues Applied to Telecoms: Courses and Exercises [應用於電信的隊列:課程和練習] (2023)
作者:Ravaliminoarimalalason, Toky Basilide 
Quinoa: Food Politics and Agrarian Life in the Andean Highlands (2023)
作者:Seligmann, Linda J. 
出版:University of Illinois Press
Qumran Cave 4: XXIII, Unidentified fragments [庫姆蘭洞穴 4:XXIII,身份不明的碎片] (2001)
作者:Pike, Dana M 
R. S. Thomas to Rowan Williams: The Spiritual Imagination in Modern Welsh Poetry [R. S. Thomas到羅文·威廉姆斯:現代威爾士詩歌中的精神想像力] (2022)
作者:M. Wynn Thomas 
出版:Wales UP
Race and Excellence: My Dialogue With Chester Pierce [種族與卓越:我與切斯特·皮爾斯的對話] (2023)
作者:Ezra E. H. Griffith, M.D. 
Race, Ethnicity & Society (2023)
作者:Patel, Tina G. 
出版:Sage Publications Ltd
Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Performing Arts Workforce [表演藝術勞動力的種族和種族多樣性] (2021)
作者:Stein, Tobie S. 
Racing Translingualism in Composition: Toward a Race-Conscious Translingualism [構圖中的跨語言主義:邁向種族意識的跨語言] (2022)
作者:Do, Tom 
出版:University Press of Colorado
Radical Architectural Drawing (2022)
作者:Spiller, Neil 
Radical Imagination, Radical Humanity: Puerto Rican Political Activism in New York [激進的想像力,激進的人性:紐約的波多黎各政治行動主義] (2017)
作者:Muzio, Rose 
出版:State University of New York Press
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