[宗教史哲] Borders and the Politics of Space in Late Medieval Italy: Milan, Venice, and Their Territories [中世紀晚期義大利的邊界與空間政治:米蘭、威尼斯及其領土] ( 2023 )
[醫藥護理衛生] Peripheral Nerve Stimulation: A Comprehensive Guide [週邊神經刺激:綜合指南] ( 2023 )
[教育] Philosophy for Children Across the Primary Curriculum: Inspirational Themed Planning [貫穿小學課程的兒童哲學:勵志主題規劃] ( 2023 )
[藝術] A Practical Guide to Teaching Music in the Secondary School, 2/e [中學音樂教學實用指南,第2版] ( 2023 )
[社會] School Social Work: A Skills-Based Competency Approach (with CD) [學校社會工作:基於技能的能力方法] ( 2023 )
[藝術] The Music of Ruth Crawford Seeger [露絲·克勞福德·西格的音樂] ( 2003 )
[生物資源] Eggs and Larvae of North Sea Fishes [北海魚類的卵和幼蟲] ( 2005 )
[建築與設計] Histoire de la virilite, tome 2: Le triomphe de la virilite. Le XIXe siecle (法文) [男子氣概的歷史,第二卷:男子氣概的勝利。19世紀] ( 2011 )
[醫藥護理衛生] OSCE Cases with Mark Schemes: A Revision Aid for Medical Finals [含評分準則的OSCE臨床技能測驗案例:醫學期末考的複習輔助工具] ( 2012 )
[宗教史哲] History of the People of Trinidad and Tobago (翻印書) [千里達及托巴哥人民史] ( 2015 )
Reading Shakespeare Through Drama (2022)
作者:Coles, Jane 
出版:Cambridge University Press
Reading Shakespeare’s Poetry (2023)
作者:Callaghan, Dympna 
Reading the Parables: Interpretation: Resources for the Use of Scripture in the Church [閱讀寓言:解釋:教會中使用聖經的資源] (2014)
作者:Lischer, Richard 
出版:Westminster John Knox Press
Reading with an ”i” to the Heavens: Looking at the Qumran Hodayot Through the Lens of Visionary Traditions [用“ i”閱讀到天堂:通過遠見傳統的角度查看庫姆蘭·霍達耶特] (2012)
作者:Harkins, Angela Kim 
出版:Walter de Gruyter
Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy, 2/e [中國古典哲學的讀物,第2版] (2005)
作者:Ivanhoe, Philip J. 
出版:Hackett Publishing Company
Real Reductive Groups I [真正的還原組] (1988)
作者:Wallach, Nolan R. 
出版:Academic Press
Real Time Deforestation Detection Using ANN and Satellite Images: The Amazon Rainforest Study Case [使用ANN和衛星圖像實時森林砍伐檢測:亞馬遜雨林研究案例] (2015)
作者:Nunes Kehl, Thiago 
Realizing the Profound View (領悟深刻的見解) (2022)
作者:Dalai Lama ; Chodron, Thubten 
出版:Wisdom Publications
Reanalysis in Sentence Processing [句子處理中的重新分析] (1998)
作者:Fodor, Janet Dean 
出版:Kluwer Academic
Reason, Community and Religious Tradition: Anselm’s Argument and the Friars [原因,社區和宗教傳統:安塞爾姆的論點和修道士] (2001)
作者:Matthews, Scott 
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