[宗教史哲] Borders and the Politics of Space in Late Medieval Italy: Milan, Venice, and Their Territories [中世紀晚期義大利的邊界與空間政治:米蘭、威尼斯及其領土] ( 2023 )
[醫藥護理衛生] Peripheral Nerve Stimulation: A Comprehensive Guide [週邊神經刺激:綜合指南] ( 2023 )
[教育] Philosophy for Children Across the Primary Curriculum: Inspirational Themed Planning [貫穿小學課程的兒童哲學:勵志主題規劃] ( 2023 )
[藝術] A Practical Guide to Teaching Music in the Secondary School, 2/e [中學音樂教學實用指南,第2版] ( 2023 )
[社會] School Social Work: A Skills-Based Competency Approach (with CD) [學校社會工作:基於技能的能力方法] ( 2023 )
[藝術] The Music of Ruth Crawford Seeger [露絲·克勞福德·西格的音樂] ( 2003 )
[生物資源] Eggs and Larvae of North Sea Fishes [北海魚類的卵和幼蟲] ( 2005 )
[建築與設計] Histoire de la virilite, tome 2: Le triomphe de la virilite. Le XIXe siecle (法文) [男子氣概的歷史,第二卷:男子氣概的勝利。19世紀] ( 2011 )
[醫藥護理衛生] OSCE Cases with Mark Schemes: A Revision Aid for Medical Finals [含評分準則的OSCE臨床技能測驗案例:醫學期末考的複習輔助工具] ( 2012 )
[宗教史哲] History of the People of Trinidad and Tobago (翻印書) [千里達及托巴哥人民史] ( 2015 )
A Handbook for the teacher of Rural Multi-Age Primary School: A Greek Educational Proposal [農村多年級小學老師的手冊:希臘教育建議] (2019)
作者:Faniopoulos, Christodoulos 
出版:LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms, 2/e [修辭術語2/e的手術列表] (1997)
作者:Lanham, Richard A. 
出版:University of California Press
A History of ALA Policy on Intellectual Freedom: A Supplement to the Intellectual Freedom Manual, 10/e [ALA智力自由政策的歷史:智力自由手冊的補充,第10版] (2021)
作者:Office for Intellectual Freedom 
出版:ALA Editions
A History of Christianity in Wales [威爾士的基督教歷史] (2022)
作者:David Ceri Jones 
出版:Wales UP
A History of Education in Modern Russia: Aims, Ways, Outcomes (2022)
作者:Dowler, Wayne 
出版:Bloomsbury Academic
A History of Greek Mathematics:Vol 2: From Aristarchus to Diophantus [希臘數學的歷史:第2卷] (1981)
作者:Heath, Thomas 
A History of Romanian Theatre from Communism to Capitalism: Children of a Restless Time [從共產主義到資本主義的羅馬尼亞劇院的歷史:不安的孩子] (2021)
作者:Modreanu, Cristina 
A History of the Study of the Indigenous Languages of North America [研究北美土著語言的研究歷史] (2021)
作者:Marcin Kilarski 
出版:John Benjamins Publishing Company
A History of the Town of Franklin, Mass. (Electronic Resource): From Its Settlement to the Completion of Its First Century, 2d March 1878:With Genealogical Notices of its Earliest Families,Sketches of its Professional Men, and a report of the Centenni (2011)
作者:Blake, Mortimer 
出版:Nabu Press
A History of the Town of Franklin, Mass. (Electronic Resource); From Its Settlement to the Completion of Its First Century, 2D March 1878 [馬薩諸塞州富蘭克林鎮的歷史;從定居到1878年3月2日一世紀的完成] (2010)
作者:Blake, Mortimer 
出版:General Books
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